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Bookmobile Visits Copperopolis Community Night Market

Richard Varrasso

Press Release

Copperopolis, CA

In 2020 the County’s library received a State grant and the Friends of the Library helped to purchase a new Bookmobile. This roving resource serves our Countywide regional area for accessible community outreach, and it’s on the road again!

Copperopolis is happy to host the County Bookmobile at the Community Night Market along with the TV show taping of KIDS READING THE CONSTITUTION on stage.

Each child that reads an excerpt of this important document on tape will receive a free Constitution booklet, compliments of the Calaveras County Taxpayers Association.

This program will be aired on our own CCTV Public Access Community TV stations.

The bookmobile will be open and full of family reading excitement for the Season. Currently, there is a Summer reading program and there are many books available to enjoy. Join in the fun. The quarter-acre Night Market will be an open-air swap of treasures and stories under over 25,000 lumens of lights, a community networking event full of diversified choices.

Creative Copperopolis invites you to join our Copper Community Night Market activities Saturday, July 8, 2023 at 6 PM. 103 Main St Copperopolis 95228

Vendors call 209-881-7676 or email

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